The ENJC has services Friday nights and Saturday mornings, and daily evening minyans Sunday through Thursday, as well as a Sunday morning minyan. Holidays are always well attended. Many of our services are family events, with Children's Services for our youngest members, aged 2 - 8, Family Services for children of Religious School age, and some services preceded by Chavurah dinners.
We are proud of our clergy, Rabbi Ian Silverman, and his efforts to raise our spirits and increase our knowledge. Our Religious School enrollment is growing, a testament to its quality. We teach our children the ritual, traditions and history of our heritage, and Hebrew language, so they are prepared to lead us in prayer and to lead lives with values rooted in Judaism. Each child's Bar or Bat Mitzvah is a source of pride for their families, their teachers and the entire congregation.
Our adult education courses cover topics ranging from basic Hebrew reading, to conversational Hebrew, to historical Judaism, to understanding our rituals, to preparing adults for the Bar and Bat Mitzvahs they may have missed. Our active Sisterhood and Men's Club further enhance our synagogue life.
The ENJC Youth Group is exceptionally active, operating three different age groups. Whether they are making Chanukah latkes, serving at a soup kitchen or just sitting around in our youth lounge having fun, our children know our synagogue is a place to be with friends.
We are also mindful of our responsibilities to help each other within our congregation and in the community at large. When people are ill or in need of help, our Chesed Committee provides rides to doctors or meals so they can celebrate Shabbat. Our Tikun Olam Committee collects food, toiletries and school supplies for the needy and runs a community garden. And, of course, there are times we just like to have fun. Our Social Club's annual Wall-E-Ball night has become a tradition.
Whether it's a formal dinner dance or playing Military Bridge, the synagogue that prays together also plays together. Again, welcome to the HAIMISH SHUL.