The ENJC Youth Group's activities combine a wide variety of monthly events created for different age groups. Anyone looking for fun, friends, social or cultural events, community service or leadership opportunities will find them in our youth lounge.

The ENJC Youth program is divided by age: Chaverim (grades 4 & 5), Kadima (grades 6, 7 & 8) and USY or United Synagogue Youth (grades 9th - 12th). Children need not be members of the synagogue to join our Youth Groups.

The Chaverim and Kadima groups meet, separately, twice a month after Religious School, from 6:30-7:45pm. Dinner is included. While enjoying the companionship of their peers, they participate in activities that range from arts and crafts to fun with food, movie nights, talent and game shows, and fun charity programs. A visit to Rabbi Ian's Sukkah and a Chanukah Scavenger Hunt were some of last year's highlights. Kadima members also enjoy outside local events including ice skating, Laserland, Adventureland and bowling. Shul-Ins and Shabbatons provide our children with the opportunity to meet and socialize with youth members from other chapters.

USY membership focuses on leadership and social time. This group meets twice a month on Sundays from 7-8:30pm. The teens elect an Executive Board to plan and implement an ambitious agenda with help from the adult Youth Director. Mishpacha Family Feud, lounge nights, a Sukkah Hop and Chocolate Passover Seder have all been enjoyed by our teens.

The ENJC USY "not only hangs out but helps out." Our teens raise money for Tikun Olam at the Religious School snack sale, run the annual Purim Carnival and lead Friday night services on Youth Group Shabbat. This year, the teens planned, cooked and served a meal to a group of homeless men housed during the winter at a nearby synagogue.

Dances and Kinnusim are held regularly, giving our USYers the opportunity to meet with Jewish teens from around the metropolitan area.